Our ESG Policy
Our ESG & Environmental policy.
At ZBPI Ltd we are committed to building a better working world – one that includes sustainable growth. We recognise our obligation towards our people and the wider communities in which we operate to minimise the impact of our business operations on the environment. As such, ZBPI Ltd is committed to this Environmental Policy and all of our people are required to cooperate to ensure that it is fully implemented.
In particular the firm will: Fulfil all compliance obligations including laws, regulations and other requirements relating to its environmental aspects to which the firm subscribes and where possible, aim to exceed their minimum requirements.
These include Streamlined Energy & Carbon Reporting (SECR) requirements.
Undertake activities aligned to reducing our carbon footprint, including reducing our greenhouse gas emissions in line with targets as determined by the UK and EU directives
Ensure the prevention of pollution.
Aim to continuously improve our environmental performance.
Minimise the consumption and wastage of natural resources as far as reasonably and economically practicable.
Dispose of all waste according to the principles of the waste hierarchy.
Incorporate environmental considerations into the acquisition and design of the firm’s buildings where possible.
Ensure that consideration is given to purchasing environmentally sustainable products and services as well as considering service partners' environmental credentials in the selection process.
Annually set additional non-emissions objectives and targets relating to our most significant environmental aspects (i.e. energy efficiency and waste management. We will measure our performance against these objectives and targets at least annually and publicly report on our progress.
Provide information, instruction and training to staff as necessary on the environmental impacts of the firm’s activities and on mitigating measures and initiatives to minimise these impacts.
Integrate environmental considerations into key business decisions.
Where appropriate, actively encourage our clients to adopt environmental and sustainability strategies.
Regularly monitor this Policy to ensure that it remains in line with legislative requirements, ZBPI's s global carbon ambition and Environmental Statement, the activities of the business and other relevant requirements. It will be regularly reviewed and revised as necessary in the light of relevant changes to these.
We are committed to limiting our impact on the environment.